Did you know that we Swedes throw away about 72,000 tons of textiles that are just burned up yearly? It’s time to rethink and start recycling your old clothes.
Numerous companies have led us to believe that the items we leave in their stores transform into brand-new clothes. However, this is far from the truth. In reality, less than 1 per cent, rather than a mere 0.1 per cent, of these items transform into new garments. The underlying issue is straightforward: Currently, no efficient and large-scale textile recycling technology exists.
Whether you drop off your clothes at recycling stations or stores, the routine is the same.
Your clothes are sorted into three main areas:
- CLOTHES THAT can be sold at second-hand shops in Sweden. About 20% belong to this group.
- CLOTHES THAT can be sold in other countries, often developing countries in Africa. The clothes are packed in bales and sold to market traders who sell them in local markets. We export over 70% to other countries, and 55% are reused abroad.
- CLOTHES THAT are torn, dirty, or unable to sell are used for incineration or used for rags, upholstery, and insulation.