ReThink/TänkOm is an idealistic non-profit environmental organisation surrounded by strong, knowledgeable, inspiring and differentiated competence in the subject areas.
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Mathilda Lund

I am a bioscientist interested in the environment, the climate and sustainable development. My focus is on highly actual international environmental topics and development issues, such as the abuse of natural resources and how we can change the system and the process of developing a more sustainable social environment.
I am involved in ReThink because of the importance of spreading knowledge about the impact of our choices and our ability to work together towards a healthier environment that counteracts the destruction of the earth’s natural habitats. Through ReThink, we can learn about the sustainable use of nature’s resources and build a future where humans live in harmony with nature.
Competence in environmental and natural resource issues, LCA, graphic design, ArcGis, ecological technology, sustainable social development, environmental legislation, EIA, biodiversity informatics, and biological life forms.
Elin Isaksson Nordling

I am a multidisciplinary designer with a background in product design. My focus is on sustainable and environmentally friendly design. I work mainly with wood materials and create illustrations and art.
My most significant designs have applied a critical perspective to create awareness around issues that are not well-known. My work aims to develop designs that maintain the earth’s resources while maximising the use of materials.
Competence/ skills: material-driven and sustainable design in product and furniture design. I think material knowledge is an essential basis for making environmentally friendly decisions. Through my involvement in ReThink, I want to help create the conditions for the consumer to make sustainable choices actively.
Amelie Cardell

Journalist and writer with a big heart for nature. Certified forest bathing guide and a nature guide with recent university studies in sustainable community development and forest issues.
That nature is a fantastic place for recovery and increased well-being is something that many people know. It is also something that research confirms. So I want my work to inspire more people to get out into the woods and fields. We hope that enjoying nature more will increase our will to be careful about the environment.
ReThink has a stated vision about protecting biodiversity. I think that question is one of the most important for humanity to focus on right now. By writing texts about the fascinating interaction between different species, I hope to increase knowledge, understanding and respect for our nature.
Delisa Ohlsson

I am a sustainability enthusiast focusing on identifying sustainable solutions so humanity and nature can coexist. By examining the problem from a holistic perspective, we can achieve sustainable solutions for human development. The use of textiles is, after all, a result of human development, and textiles are a necessity in our world. Therefore, textiles are here to stay. However, since the production of textiles has many environmental consequences, we must be aware of these consequences and be prepared to take measures to reduce the negative effects.
ReThink is a platform where I can help by spreading my knowledge about sustainable solutions and contributing to textile consumption becoming more sustainable. I want to influence people positively for the environment by assisting them in rethinking the use of textiles.
Jenny Persson

I am an environmental scientist passionate about nature, animals, health, design and creative expressions. I have worked for many years in various commerce sectors, as well as in sewing, administration, project management, proofreading and layout.
Textiles are especially close to my heart, which have given me experience in everything from design and pattern construction to cutting, sewing, retailing and upcycling.
Working in a clothing store and observing the huge flow of goods makes you think about how we use the Earth’s resources and how we live our lives. Living in and with nature should be natural, but in today’s consumer society, we have lost touch with nature and ourselves. And thus, also the understanding of how everything is connected. I want to change that. ReThink focuses on the holistic approach. On consequential thinking. What happens if I choose this instead of that? To spread knowledge that enables understanding of nature and how we can live in harmony with it.
Bente Nilssen

As a fashion designer, I feel responsible for ensuring my creations align with nature and our future. Given the fashion industry’s status as one of the most influential, dynamic, and impactful sectors, it should take the lead in transitioning towards more sustainable and ethical practices.
Joining ReThink as a translator and editor enables me to engage and empower young learners globally, aligning with my mission to advocate for a more responsible future. I am Norwegian and live in Austin, Texas. With a fashion degree from Paris and global experience, I’ve witnessed the impact on nature and communities. Travelling through the countryside and visiting textile factories in the 80s and 90s, I saw the negative impact. I know this has only increased.
After a life-altering accident prompted me to end my design business, I now breathe new life into unwanted objects and redesign existing clothes. I am thrilled to be a part of this community, which includes passionate writers, designers, academics, scientists and people from the textile industry. Together, we raise awareness and inspire young learners to look for possibilities and put nature and equity first.
Kina Strandberg

For me, ReThink is a way of re-learning. With knowledge comes change. We must have change. Small steps in a changed behaviour regardless of the business owner, decision maker or consumer. When many people change a little, a lot happens. As a market economist and entrepreneur, I want to be able to contribute to ReThink, teaching more people than me to open their eyes to biological diversity. Textiles are with us almost everywhere, making it easy to see the whole when we look a little closer at what it is and what affects it. Stay tuned! We learn together towards change.
Åsa Strandberg

Animals and nature have always been close to my heart. At the same time, textiles, as fashion and workwear, have been a big part of my professional life. I have always had a deep respect and fascination for nature’s power, innocence, beauty, and, not least, resilience. These qualities have guided me through my career and inspired me to challenge the textile industry’s consumption patterns.
After more than 30 years in the textile industry and the last 14 years as an entrepreneur, my ultimate goal has been to make textiles circular. Why shouldn’t they be recycled in the same way as glass, aluminium, and paper? We pushed this vision forward through collaborations with academia and different industries, from weaving to automotive. But it’s not just about recycling; it’s just as much about understanding how the various fibres of textiles affect nature during manufacturing and degradability.
While the complexity of these issues may seem daunting, understanding the connections – the origin of materials and their impact – can make a significant difference. Perhaps you become curious to delve deeper and become an expert in a specific field.
I am convinced that we need more people to understand these connections, so we founded TänkOm in 2018 to spread knowledge about the impact of textiles on nature and its biodiversity, woven together in endless ecosystems.
Hire us!
Do you need help with sustainable choices in your path? Everything from lectures on the connection of textiles to biological diversity, product life cycle analyses, forest baths, design & creation. We also put together arrangements with sustainability at the centre.
Feel free to contact us at
Reference group
To help us ensure that the information we teach is in line with science and other research results, we have the help of a reference group. In addition, if subjects fall outside their area of competence, they have colleagues to call on for help.
Oliver Karlöf, Fish Biologist
Oliver Karlöf is a fisheries consultant in Stockholm and has also written the books “Discoveries in Stockholm’s Nature” 2018 and “Unusual Food Fungi” 2022. Spreading knowledge about biology and ecology is close to his heart and pervades work and leisure. Finding exciting untapped raw materials both in the forest and in the sea is also something that Oliver finds both fun and important. To avoid depleting our fish populations, we need to change the way we look at the ocean’s resources and one step in this is to pay attention to unutilised fish, crustaceans, algae and sponges, species that we today overlook entirely and that we can use sustainably. This shift is not just fun and tasty but necessary if our ecosystems are to remain in balance and provide the enormous amount of benefits we take for granted today.
Sonja Leidenberger, Högskolan i Skövde
Oliver Karlöf är fiskerikonsulent i Stockholm och har även skrivit böckerna Upplevelser i Stockholms natur 2018 och Ovanliga matsvampar 2022. Att sprida kunskap om biologi och ekologi ligger honom varmt om hjärtat och genomsyrar både arbete och fritid. Att hitta spännande outnyttjade råvaror både i skog och i havet är också något som Oliver tycker både är kul och viktigt. För att inte utarma våra fiskbestånd behöver vi ändra hur vi ser på havets resurser och ett steg i detta är att uppmärksamma outnyttjade fiskar, kräftdjur, alger och svampar, arter som vi idag helt förbiser och som går att nyttja på ett hållbart sätt. Detta skifte är inte bara kul och gott utan nödvändigt om våra ekosystem ska kunna fortsätta vara i balans och bidra med den enorma mängd nytta som vi idag tar för givet.
As an associate professor and researcher at the University of Skövde, Sonja Leidenberger focuses on ecological issues. Aquatic and invasive species, as well as bees, are her target organisms. She has experience in leading national and international research projects, but also in communicating her research to researchers (various scientific articles), decision-makers on the subject (Naturvårdsverket, county boards) and to the public (popular science articles, contributions to TV programs and radio and newspapers) See more about Sonja Leidenberger
“Any dissemination of knowledge about why we need to obtain biological diversity is an important contribution. However, the textile industry still has much work to do to become more sustainable, which is why I like the ReThink initiative, which is a first and important step in that direction.”
Elena Gorokhova, Stockholms Universitet
I am a researcher and teacher at the “Exposure & Effects” unit at the Department of Environmental Science. We are the ones who create ideas and develop solutions that help us reduce the impact of chemicals on the environment and people. We know that new environmental toxins are constantly discovered, and other stress factors, such as global climate change, are always there. If we have more knowledge about how and why animals and people are affected, we can also act: adapt, be prepared and try to mitigate the effects. Thus, research and initiatives like ReThink can make a huge difference.