Thread manufacturing
Before spinning, natural fibres require carding to clean and parallel align the fibres. This process facilitates the creation of threads, and the quality of the thread is enhanced by longer fibres, resulting in finer and more durable threads.
Regenerated and synthetic fibers can also undergo the same spinning process as natural fibers or utilize the fibres as filaments. In the production of blended materials, mixing various fibers during the carding phase is normal.
Problem – thread production
Spinning is primarily a mechanical process and requires no chemicals or water. Sometimes, spinning oil is used to increase the strength of the fibres and reduce friction and static electricity.
However, electricity consumption is high, and as production often occurs in countries that use energy sources such as coal and natural gas, greenhouse gas emissions are significant.
If you want to read more and follow the whole process, check out the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, where you can learn more about our work: Naturskyddsforeningen.se – Fact Sheet, The Garment School