Indigo is a natural dye derived from Indigofera tinctoria and some other plants. It is one of the world’s oldest and most widely used natural dyes, and it has a characteristic deep blue colour. Indigo has been traditionally used for colouring textiles for thousands of years.

Indigo is obtained by extracting and processing plant parts, especially the leaves of the indigo plant. The chemical compound indigotin is the substance that gives the characteristic blue colour. Indigo has been used in many cultures to dye clothing, and it is particularly known as the primary dye for denim, which is used in the manufacture of jeans.
Synthetic indigo dyes are also used in the modern textile industry. Still, natural indigo retains its popularity for its unique hue and traditional use in arts and crafts and fashion.
November 2023, TÄNKOM | Revised May 2024 RETHINK