Fibre is a set of long thread-like molecules that form the essential elements of textiles. We define a fibre as having a length of at least 100 times its width or diameter. To be spun into a yarn, the fibre must be at least 5 mm long and have a specific strength, flexibility and ability to hold its shape together.
Fibres can be natural or manufactured. Natural fibres come from animals(protein fibres), such as wool and silk, or plants(cellulose fibres), such as cotton, hemp, and flax. Artificial fibres are made from polymers synthesised from oil, such as polyester and acrylic, or from regenerated natural polymers, such as viscose, modal, and lyocell.

Ebooks Inflibnet – Textile Fibres
Fashion Trendsetter – Fiber Dictionary
November 2023, TÄNKOM | Revised March 2024 RETHINK