Beetles are the largest and most diverse group of insects, and they live in most environments. One-third of all animals in the world are beetles [3]. Because of their diversity, beetles play an essential role in nature [1].
Beetles eat a varied diet depending on the species. Some beetles are predators, some more general, while others eat specific prey. They can also be herbivores that live on a wide assortment. Some species can be found in flowers, where they consume pollen and nectar; many others live in fungi and on fungi, both fruiting bodies and mycelium. Beetles also live as decomposers on various decaying organic materials, including faeces, dead meat, litter and dead wood [2].
Some beetles are social insects that live in communities, while others are parasites that live on or off someone else. Some species of beetles are pests of cereals and foodstuffs, and some create major problems by killing large numbers of spruce and pine plants. However, some beetles are also pest controllers and can be used precisely as biological control agents [3].
Key functions
● Decomposers of organic matter
● Pest controllers
● Biological pesticides
● Logging
● Modern forestry
● Climate change
Common species

Beetles are the largest and most diverse group of insects, with more than 400,000 species. About 4,500 species live in Sweden [1].
Some species to discover in nature:
● Stag beetle (Lucanus cervus)
Artfakta.se – Stag beetle
● Riffle Beetle (Elmis Aenea)
Naturespot – Riffle Beetle
● Black-striped Longhorn Beetle (Stenurella melanura)
iNaturalist Australia- Black-striped Longhorn Beetle
● Limnius volckmari
Artfakta.se – Limnius volckmari
● Seven-spot ladybird (coccinella septempunctata)
iNaturalist – Seven-spotted ladybird
● Bee Beetle (Trichius fasciatus)
Wikipedia – Bee Beetle
● Enicmus rugosus
Artfakta.se – Enicmus rugosus
● Red-brown Longhorn Beetle (Stictoleptura rubra)
Artfakta.se – Red-brown longhorn beetle
● Copper Chafer (Protaetia cuprea)
Artfakta.se – Copper Chafer
● Hydraena gracilis
Artfakta.se – Hydraena gracilis
- Artfakta.se – Beetles
- Artdatabanken.se – Beetles – a recipe for success
- Naturhistoriske Riksmuseum – Beetles
- Natursidan.se – Lack of old trees – one in five well-lived beetles in Europe threatened
May 2022, TÄNKOM | Revised February 2024 RETHINK