The atmosphere is one of the Earth’s spheres, like the air surrounding the Earth. The atmosphere consists of several layers; closest to the Earth’s surface is the troposphere, followed by the stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. At the centre of the stratosphere is the vital ozone layer, which absorbs and scatters UV radiation from the sun [1]. The atmosphere is mainly composed of 78 % nitrogen, 21 % oxygen, 0-4 % water vapour and greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (0.04 %), methane, argan and neon [2], [3].
The word atmosphere comes from the Greek atmos = vapour, and sphaira = sphere or ball.
- Rymdstyrelsen – What is the atmosphere and what are its parts
- The European Space Agency – The atmosphere, clouds and winds
- Columbia Climate School – If CO2 Is Only 0.04% of the Atmosphere, How Does it Drive Global Warming?
October 2023, TÄNKOM | Revised November 2023 RETHINK