Diptera is one of the largest orders of insects and consists of flies and mosquitoes. We call them biplanes because they fly with only one pair of wings [1]. Approximately 30 % of Sweden’s insect species are biplanes, with varying behaviour and appearance [2].
True flies are essential for both humans and nature. They pollinate many plants and fulfil critical ecological functions as predators, parasites and prey. Some are important decomposers, especially in the larval stage. They are also known to be infection vectors, spreading diseases in humans and animals [3].
There are about 150,000 described species of Diptera, but the number varies depending on the source; the actual number is estimated to be much higher due to a lack of knowledge [1]. They live all over the world except in the Antarctic. In Sweden, there are 8,064 resident species [4], 3,200 species estimated to be mosquitoes, and 4,800 flies [2].
Want to know more? Read: Flies (Brachycera) and Mosquitoes (Nematocera) (under construction)
- Artfakta – Two wings flies – Diptera
- Artdatabanken – Two-winged – mosquitoes, hornets & flies
- Sciencing – List of Tiny Insects
- Smithsonian – True Flies (Diptera)
May 2022, TÄNKOM | Revised February 2024 RETHINK